Safe Shopping

Shop and save with peace of mind at Vistek

Protection, verification and security

Online shopping should be safe shopping. That's why we've taken steps to make sure your Vistek online purchasing experience is fast, simple and secure. The following features will help you enjoy:

Secure shopping at Vistek


Your system does not support the encryption required to safely process payments online and is unsupported for online transactions with us. 

If you see this red alert bar, it's because your system does not support the encryption required to safely process payments online and is unsupported for online transactions with us.

Major security vulnerabilities exist within out-of-support operating systems and browsers. Continuing to use unsupported software will put your personal and financial data at risk. We highly recommend updating to a currently supported operating system and web browser. For more info call, chat, or email us.

Verified bt Visa

Verified by Visa

The Verified by Visa service confirms a cardholder's authenticity in real time, making online shopping safer than ever. It protects your Visa card from fraud by requiring your own personal password when using the card. Its benefits include:

  • Added Protection: prevents unauthorized card use online
  • Ease of Use: fast sign up so you can shop with confidence
  • Easy Shopping: fits neatly into the online buying process
  • Fast Order Fulfillment: purchaser's identity is instantly verified
  • Shipping to Any Address You Choose: especially convenient for gift purchases

Daily Testing

This site is tested daily using Comodo's HackerProof Vulnerability Scanning Service. The service performs an extensive range of tests for major known vulnerabilities on the website.

Security first at Vistek

SSL Vistek

Secure Certificate

Vistek's website can secure your private information using an Industry-standard SSL Certificate. Information exchanged with Vistek's website when beginning with https is encrypted using SSL before transmission.

Stored Credit Cards 

Your Information is PROTECTED, SECURE and PRIVATE
At Vistek, we prioritize the security of your payment card information. All payment card transactions are processed through our partner, Cybersource, a subsidiary of Visa.
When you save your Visa or MasterCard credit card information on our site, no sensitive card information is stored on Vistek servers. Instead, we save a token that even if stolen, would be unusable. The card data itself is securely stored in Visa's Tier-4 data centers, which are among the most secure facilities in the world. This ensures that your credit information is always protected to the highest standards.

How is Payment Card Information Protected?
Cybersource, a subsidiary of Visa, uses a variety of advanced security measures to protect credit card information. Some of these measures include:

  • Encryption: Cybersource encrypts sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, to protect it during transmission and storage.
  • Tokenization: Cybersource replaces credit card numbers with unique digital tokens that can only be used for specific transactions, reducing the risk of credit card fraud.
  • Fraud monitoring: Cybersource uses advanced fraud detection systems to monitor transactions for suspicious activity and prevent unauthorized use of credit card information.
  • Secure data centers: Cybersource stores credit information in secure Tier-4 data centers, which are among the most secure facilities in the world.

How do I remove a saved payment card?
Go to “My Accounts” and click “Manage Payment Methods.” There you will see a list of your saved cards. You can click the “Remove” button and it will delete it.

Need more information regarding your Protection, Security and Privacy at Vistek? Visit our Privacy Policy: