Video Cameras
Production Gear
Video Accessories
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The Latest in Video Technology from the imaging experts.
At Vistek, you get to choose from the best brands in the world, But what sets Vistek apart from virtually every other store is our range and depth of selection. Whatever it is you’re looking for, you’re going to find it here, along with sales pros who are as passionate about creating great images as you.
As Canada’s leading pro video solutions store, no one comes close to offering our wide selection of professional gear, including cameras, lenses, lighting, camera stabilization rigs, on-location audio, mixers, shotgun and wireless mics, booms, stands, an impressive selection of drones, and so much more.
Whether you’re an independed filmmaker, into broadcast production, shoot feature films or just a hobbyist who captures video for fun, Vistek is the store that can provide you with the gear and expertise you require.
The only name you need to know to capture the best images of your life.
Before you decide on a leading brand like Canon, Nikon, Sony, JVC, Panasonic, or Olympus. For that matter, even if you already know which brand you want, there’s one important decision you need to make. WHERE to buy?One name represents quality, experience and added value, and has done so for 40 years. And although you’ll never see the Vistek logo on an actual camera, camcorder or any other gear, we stand behind every piece of equipment we sell.
Surviving change.
If you’re like most image makers, you never stop tweaking your career by updating your skills or rethinking your next strategic move. Yeah, it’s a jungle out there. And according to Darwin, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change."Of course, Darwin’s rule of survival doesn’t just apply to videographers. As Canada’s largest retailer of professional video equipment, we adapt to meet the changes in technology and the changing needs of our customers.
Case in point, lately, there’s been a surge of new equipment introductions that has required us to change and radically expand our Pro Video Department. Incoming? Super 35mm camcorders that, over night, have brought Hollywood filmmaking to Main Street; revolutionary energy-saving LED lighting that’s light and compact beyond belief; camera stabilizing devices from portable dollies to jibs, affordable cranes and amazing camera stabilization devices that represent a triumph for adventurous indie shooters.
If you haven’t been to a Vistek lately, we’ve changed. And we’ll continue changing to keep pace with the ever-wondrous changes in imaging technology.
We created our YouTube channel so we could share our expert knowledge, in the form of how to’s, product news & reviews, original programming and interviews with some of Canada’s best image makers.
"If I were ever stranded on a desert island there would be three things I’d need: food, shelter, and a grip. "
– George C. Scott

As a professional, sometimes renting gear is the best option for the job.
No matter what reason you have for choosing renting over buying, our extraordinary selection of equipment, great prices and amazing staff will meet your rental needs for your next shoot.
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