So you want to make a self taped audition?
Ready for your close-up? Long before you ever step in front of a live camera on-set, you’ll probably be called upon to self-tape an audition to send to a casting director. Think of it as your chance to shine. Vistek has some gear to help you present yourself in the best possible light (and sound) – plus some tips on how to capture great self-taped audition videos that’ll get you noticed.
Easy Kits for creating your own self tape
Good, better and best: depending on your budget, you can keep it simple or go all-out. Either way, one of these self-tape solutions is sure to hit the sweet spot for you.
Camera Gear for creating your own self tape
You’ve got a plethora of affordable models to choose from, and each one will deliver the professional-looking results you want. We’ve narrowed it down to a few top picks to help take the guesswork out of the decision-making process.
Audio Gear for creating your own self tape
Your cellphone or camera is probably capable of recording perfectly decent audio, but if you really want to capture your voice’s true tone and texture in all its glory, sans ambient noise, it pays to invest in an external microphone. Here are three great options to consider.
Lighting Gear for creating your own self tape
There’s an amazing range of options to consider, but it really comes down to how much you want to spend. One thing we know for sure, though: if you’re the face in front of the camera, you’ll want to look your best.
Support Gear for creating your own self tape
A sturdy tripod, a gimbal and maybe even a stand for a backdrop: you may not have given these peripheral items much thought, but they deserve consideration too. They’ll never be the star of the show, but we’d like to nominate some best supporting gear for your next big production.
Background Gear for creating your own self tape
A neutral, non-distracting background can help focus visual attention on you – and your face in particular. Even if you’re just using a sheet of paper or a blanket, you’ll need some gear to hold it in place too.
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