Product Photography (Web, Print)

Product Photography (Web, Print)


173 Brock Street North
Whitby, ON l1n 4H3, Canada

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Tel: 4166195349
Mobile: 4166195349
E-mail: View Email
Content Team


Areas Serviced

Toronto & Central Ontario


Apparel, electronics, web catalogue, etc


English French


The geekspeak studio is designed to accommodate all types of product shooting including stills work, video, green screen projects, location photography, casting calls, wardrobe fittings, and table top shoots. Products can also be photographed on site at your facilities, whichever works best for you. Basic Product Shots Your product photographs are shot on a seamless background. The background can be white, black or other colours—whichever makes your product stand out the most. We can also provide a gradient from light to dark. Advanced Product Shots Your product photographs are shot in context to highlight certain features or functionalities, such as outdoors, kitchen, office etc. This style has a higher degree of complexity and involves specialized lighting and shooting environments. We can execute your concepts or work with you to develop unique, compelling presentations. Advanced Product Shots with Models This service leverages the advanced product shot format with live models or mannequins. Categories that can benefit most from this include fashion, hand- and foot–related products. . Grouped Product Shots In addition to single product photos, we are also adept at group shots and product family shots. We can work with you to determine product matchups and prioritization.