Mark Unrau Photography
Tel: (403) 763.1022E-mail: View Email
Mark Unrau
Areas Serviced
Southern Alberta
Environmental Portraits, Travel, Teaching
Mark’s photography focuses on revealing the beauty and complexities of everyday People and the space they live in. His well rounded experiences from traveling to China and working in the Alberta oil fields has helped him in appreciating diversity and the human spirit. Mark’s images engages the viewer for longer than just a glance by invoking a sense of wonder while maintaining familiarity with the subject. In 2006 Mark was involved with several projects including The Tara Café Project which brought him to Tibet and India. Images from his travels have brought him several awards including the grand prize from World in Focus and honorable mentions from Prix de Paris. Mark Unrau’s unique style shows a meticulous attention to composition while maintaining a free flowing photo journalistic feel. This evolves constantly with his passion for understanding natural and artificial light and how to incorporate what exists unaltered and what can be controlled. His globetrotting sensibility for logistics and unexpectedness attracts clients who desire the new iconic image that communicates passion and a sense of realism with an identifiable and genuine universal statement. He is currently living in Calgary Canada.