• Rental ID: R300202-C
Available in Edmonton


NPC's MF-2 came about to provide customers with a film back that supports the Hasselblad EL camera models. It was determined that this was best done by the introduction of a fused, coherent, fiber optic bundle. The use of fiber optics, unlike a flat glass plate, does not create a spherically aberrated image and produces quality results without a color shift or light loss.

The MF-2's fiber optic bundle is in complete contact with the Polaroid film surface. The opposite surface of the fiber optic bundle is positioned precisely in the film plane of the camera. This assures that the image is transferred to the film with complete sharpness and fidelity.

Accepts Polaroid 3-1/4 x 4-1/4" pack film. Provides images that measure approximately 54 x 54mm. Instant film backs are used to check lighting, exposure, fine tune composition, rearrange sets and props, and to evaluate color. Fast and easy to attach and remove from your camera.

Note: This back fits all Hasselblad models, but will NOT work with 90 degree prism viewfinders.