• Rental ID: R301048-C
Available in Edmonton


The mechanical Sinar Auto Aperture shutter that is attached behind the lens features the best reproducibility of exposure times for every photograph, independent of the lens being used. It also provides the photographer with outstanding convenience in operating the camera: shutter speeds and aperture can be controlled accurately and quickly without having to move from the position behind the camera.

The Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter lets you concentrate more on your shooting and less on the mechanical camera operation. Control all operations from behind the camera where you should be. No more having to kneel down in front of your camera to see if the shutter is closed, stopped down or even cocked.

Key Features

  • The shutter is always fully open so you have maximum brightness on the ground glass. When you insert a film holder into the back of the camera, the shutter automatically closes down - no more lost sheets of film!
  • Automatically self-cocking.
  • Shutter speeds from 1/60 to 8 seconds plus B.
  • Aperture control from f/4 to f/45 (higher apertures controlled through DB-manual mount).
  • Includes a filter holder which accepts up to three 100 mm filters inside the camera.
  • To be used with the Auto Aperture Shutter, lenses must be mounted in the Sinar DB mount. If you already have lenses in between-the-lens shutters they can easily be converted.
  • Both, the Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter and the Sinaron DB lenses require a 4x5" camera standard.