• Rental ID: R302128-C
Available in Edmonton


The "lensbaby" consists of two machined, black anodized, aluminum assemblies. The rear assembly is an EOS mount. The front assembly holds the lens and aperture stop and comes with a machined, screw in lens cap which is probably sturdy enough to stop a rifle bullet. None of your cheap plastic lens caps here! This flexible coupling allows the lens to be focused by compression and also allows the lens to be tilted by compressing one side more than the other. Being a single element lens, the image is very soft, especially away from the center, when used at full aperture. You can change the plane of "focus" and move the "sweet spot" of the lens by simultaneously tilting and compressing the lens. As you "stop down", the lens gets sharper and the "sweet spot" gets larger.

If you're a Holga fan and own an SLR or DSLR, or if you find low end consumer zoom lenses way too sharp, this may be just what you're looking for. It's not for everyone, but I don't think there's anything like it commercially available elsewhere. It's well made and there isn't a lot that can go wrong with it. You certainly won't be sending it back because the images aren't soft enough.


Product Specifications

Detailed Specifications
Focal Length
 Right around 50 mm
Focus Type
 Manual. Fingertip, actually
Aperture Type
 f2.8, f4, f5.6, f8
Nominal Focus  Approximately 1 foot
Minimum Focus  About 12”
Maximum Focus  Infinity and beyond
Size/Weight  2.25" high x 2.5" wide / 3.5 oz