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Product Highlights
  • f/4 - f/22 Aperture Range
  • Medium Format
  • 2x Aspherical Elements
  • 62mm Filter Diameter
  • Hasselblad X Mount
Hasselblad XCD 45mm P f/4.0 Lens Hasselblad XCD 45mm P f/4.0 Lens
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XCD 4/45P

Weighing 320g (0.7 lbs), the XCD 4/45P is the world’s lightest digital medium format autofocus lens on the market today

Its compact, lightweight build combined with world class optics makes it the perfect lens for travel, exploration, and documentary.

As the most lightweight member of the X System lens range, its size perfectly complements the compact X1D II body. Like the other XCD Lenses, the XCD 45P has an integral central shutter offering a wide range of shutter speeds and full flash synchronisation up to 1/2000s.

Designed for the utmost in portability, the XCD 4/45P is the world’s lightest digital medium format autofocus lens on the market today, weighing only 320g (0.7 lbs). Minimal weight combined with superior image quality, the XCD 45P coupled with the X1D II and Phocus Mobile 2 lets creatives go physically further with their creative visions with lighter gear in their kit and a highly portable workflow.

The XCD 45P features an optical design incorporating two aspherical elements, resulting in state-of-the art optical performance within compact dimensions. The XCD 45P has been designed with discreet portability in mind and thanks to evolved designs, both the autofocus motor and leaf shutter have been reduced in audible noise. With a minimum focus distance of 35cm and a maximum image scale of 1:5.2, the XCD 45P is even suitable for food or still life photography. Its mechanically connected focus ring gives the lens a responsive and accurate manual focus experience.

Just as the other XCD lenses, the XCD 45P is uncompromising in its build quality, technical excellence, optical performance, and balance in handheld use in addition to its built-in leaf shutter that allows for flash sync up to 1/2000s.

What's Included

XCD 45mm f/4.0 Lens
Front Lens Cap
Rear Lens Cap


Product Specifications

XCD 4/45P

Focal length 46.2 mm
Equivalent Focal length (24x36) 36 mm
Aperture range f/4 - f/22
Angle of view diag/hor/vert 61°/50°/39°
Shutter Speed Range 1hr 8 mins to 1/2000th sec
Filter diameter 62 mm
Length/diameter 52 / 80 mm
Compatibility Hasselblad X System cameras
(from camera lens mount flange)
47 mm (1.85")
(excl. covers and lens shade)
320 g (0.035 oz.)

Questions & Answers

Hasselblad XCD 45mm P f/4.0 Lens

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